Sunday, April 19, 2009


I don't have twitter. I don't understand twitter. I don't see what value twitter will add to my life. As far as I have been able to surmise, twitter seems like an updated version of the AIM away messages I used to put up (that is back when I still used AIM regularly). Honestly, the only purpose of those was to put up song lyrocs that vaguely related to something or to tell everyone where I was all the time. Now, I have texting and facebook if anyone wants to leave me a message. Also, I have outgrown the need to passive-aggressively post song lyrics at a particular person in the vague hopes that they will understand the deep emotions I am trying to convey to them.

I was slower to adopt Facebook because I was uneasy about the slightly creepy voyeuristic nature of it. I still think it's a little creepy and voyeuristic, but it is invaluable for keeping in touch with friends and managing my social networks. I have a myspace account, but mostly so that I can listen to bands. How is it that I need yet another way to keep people updated on what I'm doing? Are you supposed to tweet about what you're doing, thinking, and feeling? I'm not that interesting. The only benefit I could see would be as a way to receive breaking news alerts. But even as a news junkie, it's not hard to get updated almost instantly on what's going on.

I fully recognize that in the future, my lack of buy-in to twitter may make me look like a fool. However, until someone can clearly show the benefits of twitter I will probably not be joining. So, in a nutshell - Why twitter?

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