Saturday, April 14, 2007

New Haircut!

Today, my mom and I embarked on a traditionally girly afternoon. First we got our hair cut, and then we went shopping. It was really nice and I got a few new things. We walked around, bought some new clothes, went to lunch, and then came home. It was nice spending time with my mom, and I hadn't really done a shopping day in a while. The most exciting part though is my new haircut. It's actually almost exactly like my old haircut, but not grown out for 4 months. I love it! I really enjoy getting my hair cut and styled. It always makes me feel pampered, and I really like being able to change the way I look. A new haircut is like a fresh start.

Here are some bad pictures that I took with my cameraphone. I feel very 14 year old myspace girl about posting these. But what the heck... very few people read my blog anyway!

My new haircut! [but it's really messy because I didn't think to fix it before the picture]

From the side

Me, being really happy about my new haircut!


Ian Scott Todd said...

You look sexxxay

Marry me!

Ian Scott Todd said...

PS Why does the link to my LJ keep getting bumped further down the list? Are you trying to phase me out?

Ian Scott Todd said...

One more thing... I find it interesting that in the title of your journal you wrote out the words "air quotes" instead of just using actual quotation marks. You're basically using text to signify a physical action that was created to signify textual punctuation. You're hyperreal even when you don't mean to be! See, we truly live in a postmodern age. (Cf. Baudrillard, "The Precession of Simulacra")

Anonymous said...

you look cute
and i am coming home in 2 weeks yayyyy I CANNOT WAIT